​Edinburg First United Methodist Church
Current Sermon Series
Rev. Michelle Vernone, Pastor
Slow Church
As good Methodists, we observe Lent and traditionally "give something up" as an act of sacrifice, repentance, and devotion during the 40 days leading up to Easter. This year, I want to invite us to give up something 'bad' for Lent. Consider giving up something that will change your walk with Christ and your life. In his book Give Up Something Bad for Lent, Moore challenges us to give up things like unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, self-loathing, and judgement of others. I know, giving up a favorite treat, or using it as a time to re-start healthy eating choices is stereo-typically what we often choose to do. But this year, let's choose something different, something that will help us love God, each other, and ourselves better as we journey to the cross and remember we are people of the resurrection.