​Edinburg First United Methodist Church
How do I get there?
We are located at 3707 W. University Drive, at the corner of Mon Mack and TX-Hwy 107 in Edinburg, TX.
We hope to see you soon!

What should I wear?
EFUMC is a "come as you are" church, meaning there's no strict dress code. It's not unusual to see someone in a shirt and tie sit beside someone in shorts and flip flops. Don't let your wardrobe keep you from worshiping with us. Come as you are!

What happens during communion?
In our congregation, we usually take communion by "intinction," which means that the congregation goes to the front of the church to receive a piece of bread which they then dip into the cup and eat.
The people offering communion may say, "Body of Christ broken for you," and "Blood of Christ shed for you," or something similar. You may respond with "Amen," or make no response, whichever you prefer.
We use grape juice instead of wine.
If you need to remain seated for any reason and would still like to receive communion, let the ushers know as they move down the aisles and communion will be brought to you at your seat.
Can I take communion there?
Jesus's table is open to all, so we encourage you to join us for Holy Communion!
You do not have to be a member of our congregation, of the United Methodist denomination, or have had special preparation to receive this gift from God.
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and at special services like Christmas Eve and Easter.
Of course, you always have the option to abstain from communion if you prefer to do so.

What if I'm not a United Methodist? Can I still attend classes and volunteer?
Jesus wasn't United Methodist either! Our small groups, programs, and outreach projects are open to you, your neighbor, and your neighbor's friend. Learn about our service opportunities here. You might be surprised at how many of our members were previously part of other denominations and faith traditions but now choose EFUMC as their church home. All are welcome!
Is there something for my children?
We love kids!
We offer Children's Sunday School starting at 9:15am. Just in time to send them off and get to your own Sunday School!
Children under 5 yrs old may stay in the nursery during the worship service, but we love to have them in worship with us!