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Waiting vs. Getting Ready

Rev. Michelle Vernone

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word, I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen a wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.” (Psalm 130: 5-6)

I very seriously dislike waiting. Not that I don’t do a ton of it, and accept it as a reality. I don’t like it. And in fairness to myself, it isn’t just about the “I want it now” syndrome. It’s the emotional toll waiting exacts. Whether its anticipation or angst, waiting exhausts me. I haven’t found that “Zen” place in my spirit where I can just peacefully allow things to come, happen, be at their own pace. And I don’t think of it as being impatient. If I’m really honest, it’s about being insecure. Being vulnerable.

My whole life, whether it was a “good” thing I was waiting for or a “bad/hard/intimidating” thing I was waiting for – the waiting was the worst. What if the good thing never came to pass? What if I missed it? What if it wasn’t actually for me? What if it didn’t turn out as “good” as I had built it up in my head? Oh! The anxiety and flat out fear of knowing something difficult was coming would just leave me sleepless. What if I hadn’t studied the right material? What if I forgot the words? What if I “couldn’t do it” (whatever the “it” may be). When something hard is ahead of me, I am absolutely that person who wants to “go first and get it over with”, but I actually want to go second, so I can be sure that someone actually survived it before I try.

Living a life with and for Jesus is all about waiting. However, Jesus, who knows that the waiting is hard, offers us a distraction. We are given the instruction to prepare. We have a job to do while we wait.

Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting,

“Clear the way through the wilderness

for the Lord!

Make a straight highway through the wasteland

for our God!

Fill in the valleys,

and level the mountains and hills.

Straighten the curves,

and smooth out the rough places.

Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed,

and all people will see it together.”

(Is. 40:3-50)

That sounds like a lot of work. Sometimes I read that and I think to myself, “hmm…maybe just waiting isn’t so bad…” But, its work that makes the waiting worthwhile. It is Kingdom work. It heralds the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ – baby, King, redeemer, the Messiah. It is work that binds us together by God’s Holy Spirit and invites us to witness the glory of the Lord. Sunday, December 1st, is the first Sunday of Advent. During this season of waiting, anticipating, how will you prepare? How will you cut through the wilderness of culture? How will you make a way for the Lord to reach you and those in your care? What valleys will you fill and mountains will you make low? What rough places will you smooth with kindness and compassion? How will you stop “waiting” and start “getting ready”?

Looking forward to seeing the glory of the Lord with you, my friends.

Peace and Grace,

Pastor Michelle

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