I am thankful, help me in my acts of thankfulness...
roughly based on Mark 9:24, “I believe Lord, help me
in my unbelief.” This November, our Sunday worship
will be focused on being thankful for very specific gifts
from God and then responding to God’s generosity by
committing ourselves to a generous response to God.
Each week we will bring forward a specific
commitment card.
November 5th – All Saints Day/Holy Communion
We are thankful for God’s gift of COMMUNITY. In
response to God’s gift of community, we pledge to be
present and active in worship, study, and fellowship.
November 12th – We are thankful for God’s gift of
PRAYER the Holy Spirit praying on our behalf. In
response to God’s gift of prayer, we pledge to pray
daily/weekly for our families, our community, the
Church, and for God’s work in the world.
November 19th – We are thankful for God’s gift of
SERVING and WITNESS. In response to God’s
example of service, we pledge to participate and serve
in the ministries and work of EFUMC.
We are thankful God’s GENEROSITY in our lives.
In response to God’s generosity to us, we pledge to
give generously to sustain the day-to-day work of the
church and the 2nd Mile ministry budget of EFUMC.
Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed to Be A Blessing...
In this “Stewardship” special edition of the newsletter, we
will talk about the specific financial needs of EFUMC so
you have some time and direction for prayerfully
considering how you will support the work and ministries of
EFUMC. I know there is a type of stigma that
pledge/commitment cards carry with them. However, I
boldly ask you to set that aside and submit your pledges.
These are necessary for the church leadership to make
informed decisions in prioritizing the work of the church. If
there are not adequate resources to support staffing,
utilities, maintenance/care of the building and property, we
must decide what gets cut or set aside.
We will also address some special physical needs of the
church and the projected costs associated with those (i.e.
outdoor signage, outdoor lighting, technology needs to
resolve Sunday morning visibility issues with the screen
EFUMC is a financially healthy church, AND our ability to
grow ministry is limited by our current level of financial
resources. As we pray daily for our church, we are asking
God for God’s plan to expand our ministry and ability to
bless others. We are asking God to show us what avenues
are available to us to sustain and grow. Please prayerfully
consider what role you play in the life, vitality, and growth
Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed to Be A Blessing
Pastor Michelle